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COVID 19 Safety and Protocols at DFR


Updated May 20, 2022


Face masks are optional, and recommended for un-vaccinated individuals. Please sanitize or wash hands upon entry to the studio.


In order to participate in DFR in-studio classes, rehearsals, performances, or gatherings either at the studio or at an off-site venue, participants must follow all safety protocols, attest to being in good health, and that they have not knowingly been in contact with anyone exposed to, or tested positive for Covid-19. 


If you/your dancer have a cough, fever, or symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home. Any person showing symptoms of illness or fever will not be permitted entrance.



If your dancer, any member of the immediate family, or other co-inhabitant of the home tests positive for Covid-19 - please notify us via email and keep your dancer at home.  

Any exposed person must observe self quarantine for 10 days, or wait 5 days from exposure, have a PCR test and provide proof of negative PCR COVID-19 test before returning to in person classes.



If your dancer has tested positive for COVID-19, they may return to in-person classes 10 days from symptom onset, provided that they are symptom free, and well enough to do so.


Curbside Drop Off/Pick Up


Please arrive no more than 10 minutes prior to class start time.


All dancers must be picked up on time at the end of class unless

other arrangements have been made with DFR.


We LOVE our extended dance family, but in order to minimize occupancy in the lobby and lounge areas we ask that you find a parking spot in the lot and meet your dancer outside of the studio doors.

A Parent or Guardian for dancers under age 6 may enter the lobby briefly for pick up and drop off their dancers.


Please come prepared to dance

Dressing areas are available, but please do your best to ensure your dancer arrives dressed and ready to dance. Please only bring a personal water bottle and dance essentials into the studio in a small dance bag.


All outdoor shoes, outerwear etc. must be removed and placed in an available cubby in the lobby or locker upon entry.


We greatly appreciate your cooperation in our continuing efforts to keep DFR a safe space for all who enter.









© 2024 Dance Factory Ridgefield, LLC

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